The Farm Chicks Fair Curators

The Farm Chicks Fair Curators

This week I’ve been talking all about curating. It’s something I really believe in, so it makes sense that I apply the concept to The Farm Chicks Vintage & Handmade Fair as well. It all begins when I start pulling together all of the folks who will be...
How to Curate Your Wardrobe

How to Curate Your Wardrobe

Tuesday I was talking about curating in generaland how you can use that practice to really make a difference in your home. But curating applies to other areas of your life, like your wardrobe for example. Around the end of February, I start dreaming about cute outfits...
All About Curating

All About Curating

This week I’m going to be talking about curating, what it means, and how it affects our lives. Who knew, right? I think when most people hear the word, curator, they think of a museum and the people who bring together a museum’s collections. But curating...