World Headquarters

World Headquarters

The original Farm Chicks office was located in the corner of my laundry room. It was October of 2002 and Teri and I had just held our very first sale, in my friend’s barn, just a short walk from my house. I had a strong feeling that The Farm Chicks needed to...
On Suffering, Kindness, and Perspective

On Suffering, Kindness, and Perspective

The year our fourth boy was born threw me for a loop. The three youngest were all in diapers, one had colic, and I had mastitis. I remember the day I made it in to the Doctor’s office for the baby’s first checkup and being berated by the receptionist for...
Grilled Pizza

Grilled Pizza

I love when the weather begins to take a turn for the warmer and it seems like every meal is done on the grill. One of my favorites is pizza. You’ll need to start with a batch of your favorite pizza dough. I like this recipe from Better Homes & Gardens:...
The 2011 Farm Chicks Fair Re-Cap

The 2011 Farm Chicks Fair Re-Cap

Who better to talk about The Farm Chicks Show than YOU? Here are your posts: On The Green Farms The Foutch Coutch The Maternal Lens Creating the Life I love The Fancy Farmgirl Bungalow Bling Heads Carolina / Tails California Funky Junk Jennifer HippieDog Home...